
giving thanks

our thanksgiving this year was spent at "dwamma and papas" house :)  
easily quinns favorite place in the world.  as far as he's concerned, we only go there to play toys.  'papa has toys at his house!!  need to go play wif him!"  

it was such a fun year because we had KATIE!!!  we loved it, and think she should come ALL THE TIME. forever. probably i'm making her feel weird.

they dance so much.  so so much.  
paisley really values her sleep.  it happens about 90% of the time.  the other 10% she's COMPLETELY INSANE
matt made the ever-so-popular bacon blanketed turkey.  it was super yummy but i'm serious...seeing bacon in the vita-mix (for the bacon butter) is so horrifically disgusting i almost considered hating bacon.  thankfully that didnt last long. 

grandma just cant get enough of quinns sleepy snuggles.  which works out okay because she has some sort of narcaleptic power that puts him asleep IMMEDIATELY. (ps. can i get some of those powers please!?)
we like her so much.  i think travis likes her too. 
quinn is an especially huge ham around dwamma and papa. and chais. and travis.  and katie.  and kendra.  and everyone. always. 
dad does not like his faked smile face.  i think we can all see why.   hes terrible at faking smiles. 
but hes pretty great at REAL smiles!  

this guy has a pretty handsome face
bacon wrapped, goat cheese stuffed DATES. NOM NOM! courtesy of katie day. 
more pool. 
unfortunately kendra spent a large portion of her time finishing up homework and crap. she was so tired. the day after thanksgiving was her birthday, and by the time we cut the cake she was so delirious, i'm surprised she lived through how hard she laughed at our harmonious rendition of 'Happy Birthday'.  we all have really amazing singing voices. really really amazing. 

more pool. 
quinn has his little heart set on her.  travis better watch out 
pear, goat cheese, honey, tart.  WHAT!?   
this hedgehog sitting on chais lap is sugar.  she's insane.  that's all.  

i have so much to be thankful for. i could never say how much. i'll just say that more than anything, ever, i am thankful for my family.  

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