
a pretty fancy cardboard box

this morning is one of my last mornings waking up in this home.  i'm up early again, thanks to a baby adorable enough to be worth it, and i'm sitting in this quiet house of memories, filled with a weird casserole mixture of devastated excitement.  we found a pretty fancy cardboard box to live in.  i'm kidding.  but we did find a house about the same size as a cardboard box.  my mom is always reminding me to pray in specifics, so i did, but in asking for rounded doorways and glass doorknobs i forgot to mention in my prayers that we would be needing a little extra square footage and also a dishwasher.  i did pray, though, for a great yard, great landlords, 3 bedrooms, a price that won't kill us every month, and, most importantly, (to me at least), a house with a little charm.  it's not the most important thing, but God really knows the way to my heart is in the adorable details.  the charm isn't the same as in the house we're moving from, which is an adventure for decorator-me, and i'm excited about it.  anyways, God is faithful, as always, and every important need has been met, and lucky for me, He threw a few 'wants' in there as well.  the switch has been made from heartbroken and stressed to gratitude and relief, and is slowly changing to a nervous excited...but it is a pretttttty slooooow change and i just can't kick the sad that i've been dragging around.   i know, i know, i know i know i know, that God hurts with me when i'm hurting, even if it's over something dumb.  so i'm resting in that this morning while i try not to "...eat the bread of idleness" as a result of my weepy heart.  instead i will "...clothe myself in strength and dignity and laugh at the days to come".  well, i've been laughing at the days to come all along but it's been more of a high pitched, nervous laugh.  i am so incredibly grateful that i serve a God that can give me total peace about something that i'm nervous about.  isn't that the weirdest feeling? it doesn't even make sense to me, but i'm claiming that peace in Jesus name, and moving on.  that's all. 

i want really badly to be posting 9 million photos but for some reason somebody has kidnapped my usb cord!  i know it's been kidnapped because i've searched this house high and low...it literally is not here.  i'm going to order one so soon...i think. 

1 comment:

  1. Miss Whitney, you bring me to tears and to a place of remembering who we're rooted in. Thank you friend. You teach me so much. I love you.
